RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 608 - Yggdrasil Seed (Seed Of Yggdrasil)
608 - Yggdrasil Seed (Seed Of Yggdrasil) class misc
weigth 30
NPCbuy 2500 OC 3100
description Seed from the Yggdrasil tree which holds our world together. It has a weird, energizing pungence.
Restores one half of Maximum HP and SP.

Weight : 30
Drop by Amon Ra (100%)Incantation Samurai (100%)Evil Snake Lord (100%)Nightmare Amon Ra (100%)Osiris (90%)Atroce (30%)Archangeling (4.5%)Alligator (1.5%)Solid Alligator (1.5%)Stem Worm (1.35%)Swift Stem Worm (1.35%)Shining Plant (0.6%)Echio Ringleader (0.3%)Echio (0.3%)Leaf Cat Ringleader (0.15%)Leaf Cat (0.15%)
Treasure Chest (100%)Treasure Chest (100%)Treasure Chest (100%)Treasure Chest (100%)Treasure Chest (100%)Treasure Chest (100%)Treasure Chest (100%)Treasure Chest (100%)Treasure Chest (100%)Treasure Chest (100%)Treasure Chest (100%)Trhac (100%)Root of Corruption (100%)Infinite Osiris (90%)Fallen Bishop (60%)Fallen Bishop (60%)Osiris (15%)Osiris (15%)Lost Dragon (15%)Velikonicni vajicko (7.5%)Crystal (7.5%)Earth Crystal (4.5%)Infinite Alligator (1.5%)Lord of the Dead (0%)
  • show/hide Hammer Hammer from Priestka Magaleta in lighthalzen

  • show/hide Yggdrasil Seed Yggdrasil Seed from Elin in alberta
  • script percentheal 50,50;

    Naposledy vygenerovano dne : Mon, 11 May 2020 07:29:18 +0200
    (c) 2006-2011 jihrad, Nebiki & k3dT - vyrobeno pro Reborn server