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Found 70 item(s)
RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 4012 - Thiefbug Egg Card (Thief Bug Egg Card)
4012 - Thiefbug Egg Card (Thief Bug Egg Card) class card weigth 1 NPCbuy npcbuy
compound on shield
Inscription Rigid
description Maximum HP + 400
Class : Card
Compound on : Shield
Weight : 1
Drop by Thief Bug Egg (0.03%)
script bonus bMaxHP,400;
Combo NA
RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 4013 - Andre Egg Card (Andre Egg Card)
4013 - Andre Egg Card (Andre Egg Card) class card weigth 1 NPCbuy npcbuy
compound on shield
Inscription Excellent
description Maximum HP + 5%
Class : Card
Compound on : Shield
Weight : 1
Drop by Ant Egg (0.03%)
Ant Egg (0.03%)
script bonus bMaxHPrate,5;
Combo NA
RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 4032 - Ambernite Card (Ambernite Card)
4032 - Ambernite Card (Ambernite Card) class card weigth 1 NPCbuy npcbuy
compound on shield
Inscription of Athena
description DEF + 2
Class : Card
Compound on : Shield
Weight : 1
Drop by Ambernite (0.03%)Elusive Ambernite (0.03%)
script bonus bDef,2;
Combo NA
RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 4045 - Horn Card (Horn Card)
4045 - Horn Card (Horn Card) class card weigth 1 NPCbuy npcbuy
compound on shield
Inscription Heavy
description Reduce damage from Long Range attacks by 35%.
Class : Card
Compound on : Shield
Weight : 1
Drop by Horn (0.03%)Solid Horn (0.03%)
script bonus bLongAtkDef,35;
Combo NA
RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 4058 - Thara Frog Card (Thara Frog Card)
4058 - Thara Frog Card (Thara Frog Card) class card weigth 1 NPCbuy npcbuy
compound on shield
Inscription Cranial
description Reduce damage from DemiHuman monster by 30%.
Class : Card
Compound on : Shield
Weight : 1
Drop by Thara Frog (0.03%)Elusive Thara Frog (0.03%)
script bonus2 bSubRace,RC_DemiHuman,30; bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Player,30;
Combo NA
RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 4059 - Soldier Andre Card (Soldier Andre Card)
4059 - Soldier Andre Card (Soldier Andre Card) class card weigth 1 NPCbuy npcbuy
compound on shield
Inscription of Cadi
description Reduce damage from Plant monster by 30%.
Class : Card
Compound on : Shield
Weight : 1
Drop by
script bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Plant,30;
Combo NA
RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 4066 - Orc Warrior Card (Orc Warrior Card)
4066 - Orc Warrior Card (Orc Warrior Card) class card weigth 1 NPCbuy npcbuy
compound on shield
Inscription Brutal
description Reduce damage from Brute monster by 30%.
Class : Card
Compound on : Shield
Weight : 1
Drop by Orc Warrior (0.03%)Furious Orc Warrior (0.03%)
Smoking Orc (0.03%)Christmas Orc (0.03%)
script bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Brute,30;
Combo NA
RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 4067 - Megalodon Card (Megalodon Card)
4067 - Megalodon Card (Megalodon Card) class card weigth 1 NPCbuy npcbuy
compound on shield
Inscription Atomic
description Increase resistance to the Freeze status by 20%.
DEF + 1
Class : Card
Compound on : Shield
Weight : 1
Drop by Megalodon (0.03%)
Infinite Megalodon (0.03%)
script bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Freeze,2000; bonus bDef,1;
Combo NA
RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 4074 - Bigfoot Card (BigFoot Card)
4074 - Bigfoot Card (BigFoot Card) class card weigth 1 NPCbuy npcbuy
compound on shield
Inscription of Gargantua
description Reduce damage from Insect monster by 30%.
[Grizzly Card Combo]
Class : Card
Compound on : Shield
Weight : 1
Drop by Bigfoot (0.03%)Bigfoot Ringleader (0.03%)
Eddga (0.03%)Infinite Bigfoot (0.03%)
script bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Insect,30;
Combo NA
RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 4075 - Argos Card (Argos Card)
4075 - Argos Card (Argos Card) class card weigth 1 NPCbuy npcbuy
compound on shield
Inscription Hypnotic
description Increase resistance to Stone Curse status by 20%.
DEF + 1
Class : Card
Compound on : Shield
Weight : 1
Drop by Argos (0.03%)Furious Argos (0.03%)
script bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stone,2000; bonus bDef,1;
Combo NA
RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 4083 - Rafflesia Card (Rafflesia Card)
4083 - Rafflesia Card (Rafflesia Card) class card weigth 1 NPCbuy npcbuy
compound on shield
Inscription Homer's
description Reduce damage from Fish monster by 30%.
Class : Card
Compound on : Shield
Weight : 1
Drop by Rafflesia (0.03%)Swift Rafflesia (0.03%)
script bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Fish,30;
Combo NA
RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 4090 - Munak Card (Munak Card)
4090 - Munak Card (Munak Card) class card weigth 1 NPCbuy npcbuy
compound on shield
Inscription Amulet
description Increase resistance to Stone Curse status by 15% and Earth Property attacks by 5%.
DEF + 1
[Bongun & Hyegun Card Combo]
Class : Card
Compound on : Shield
Weight : 1
Drop by Munak (0.03%)
script bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stone,1500; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Earth,5; bonus bDef,1;
Combo NA
RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 4120 - Sky Petite Card (Petit Card)
4120 - Sky Petite Card (Petit  Card) class card weigth 1 NPCbuy npcbuy
compound on shield
Inscription of Dragoon
description Reduce damage from Dragon monster by 30%.
Class : Card
Compound on : Shield
Weight : 1
Drop by Petite (0.03%)
script bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Dragon,30;
Combo NA
RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 4124 - Medusa Card (Medusa Card)
4124 - Medusa Card (Medusa Card) class card weigth 1 NPCbuy npcbuy
compound on shield
Inscription Plasterer's
description Gain immunity to the Stone Curse status.
Reduce damage from Demon monster by 15%.
Class : Card
Compound on : Shield
Weight : 1
Drop by Medusa (0.03%)Swift Medusa (0.03%)
script bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Demon,15; bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stone,10000;
Combo NA
RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 4128 - Golden Thiefbug Card (Golden Bug Card)
4128 - Golden Thiefbug Card (Golden Bug Card) class card weigth 1 NPCbuy npcbuy
compound on shield
Inscription of Deaf
description Nullify all magic spells, including supportive skills, that target the owner at the cost of doubling SP Consumption cost when using skills.
Class : Card
Compound on : Shield
Weight : 1
Drop by Golden Thief Bug (0.03%)
script bonus bNoMagicDamage,100; bonus bUseSPrate,100;
Combo NA
RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 4136 - Khalitzburg Card (Khalitzburg Card)
4136 - Khalitzburg Card (Khalitzburg Card) class card weigth 1 NPCbuy npcbuy
compound on shield
Inscription from Hell
description Reduce damage from Demon monster by 30%.
Class : Card
Compound on : Shield
Weight : 1
Drop by Khalitzburg (0.03%)Suffering Khalitzburg (0.03%)
script bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Demon,30;
Combo NA
RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 4138 - Anubis Card (Anubis Card)
4138 - Anubis Card (Anubis Card) class card weigth 1 NPCbuy npcbuy
compound on shield
Inscription Satanic
description Reduce damage from Angel monster by 30%.
Class : Card
Compound on : Shield
Weight : 1
Drop by Anubis (0.03%)
script bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Angel,30;
Combo NA
RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 4146 - Maya Card (Maya Card)
4146 - Maya Card (Maya Card) class card weigth 1 NPCbuy npcbuy
compound on shield
Inscription Reflect
description Reflect single target attack Magic back at the caster (Success Chance 50%).
Class : Card
Compound on : Shield
Weight : 1
Drop by Maya (0.03%)
script bonus bMagicDamageReturn,50;
Combo NA
RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 4207 - Mysteltainn Card (Mysteltainn Card)
4207 - Mysteltainn Card (Mysteltainn Card) class card weigth 1 NPCbuy npcbuy
compound on shield
Inscription Anti-Small
description DEF + 1
Receive 25% less damage from Small size monster.
Class : Card
Compound on : Shield
Weight : 1
Drop by Mysteltainn (0.03%)
script bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Small,25; bonus bDef,1;
Combo NA
RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 4217 - Enchanted Peach Tree Card (Live Peach Tree Card)
4217 - Enchanted Peach Tree Card (Live Peach Tree Card) class card weigth 1 NPCbuy npcbuy
compound on shield
Inscription Rejuvenating
description Add a 2% chance of auto casting Level 1 Heal on the user when attacking.
If the user has mastered the skill at Level 10, it will cast Level 10 Heal.
[Geographer & Rideword & Cookie & Seal Card Combo]
Class : Card
Compound on : Shield
Weight : 1
Drop by Live Peach Tree (0.03%)Solid Enchanted Peach Tree (0.03%)
script bonus3 bAutoSpell,"AL_HEAL",1+9*(getskilllv("AL_HEAL")==10),100;
Combo NA
RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 4226 - Sting Card (Sting Card)
4226 - Sting Card (Sting Card) class card weigth 1 NPCbuy npcbuy
compound on shield
Inscription Supreme
description DEF + 2
[Refine Rate 9~10]
MDEF + 5
Class : Card
Compound on : Shield
Weight : 1
Drop by Sting (0.03%)Elusive Sting (0.03%)
script bonus bDef,2; if(getrefine()>8) bonus bMdef,5;
Combo NA
RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 4231 - Mi Gao Card (Increase Soil Card)
4231 - Mi Gao Card (Increase Soil Card) class card weigth 1 NPCbuy npcbuy
compound on shield
Inscription Charging
description Receive 50% less damage from Guardians during War of Emperium hours.
Class : Card
Compound on : Shield
Weight : 1
Drop by Increase Soil (0.03%)Elusive Mi Gao (0.03%)
script bonus2 bSubRace2,RC2_Guardian,50;
Combo NA
RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 4240 - Arclouze Card (Arclouse Card)
4240 - Arclouze Card (Arclouse Card) class card weigth 1 NPCbuy npcbuy
compound on shield
Inscription Magic-Proof
description [Refine Rate 0~5]
DEF + 2
MDEF + 3
Class : Card
Compound on : Shield
Weight : 1
Drop by Arclouse (0.03%)Nightmare Arclouse (0.03%)Maggot (0.03%)Solid Arclouze (0.03%)Arclouze Ringleader (0.03%)
Arclouse (0.03%)
script if(getrefine()<6) { bonus bDef,2; bonus bMdef,3; }
Combo NA
RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 4248 - Ancient Mummy Card (Ancient Mummy Card)
4248 - Ancient Mummy Card (Ancient Mummy Card) class card weigth 1 NPCbuy npcbuy
compound on shield
Inscription Shining Cross
description Add a 3% chance of auto casting Level 5 Signum Crucis when the user receives Physical Damage.
[+ Mummy]
Seeking Attack (which never miss its target) + 20
Class : Card
Compound on : Shield
Weight : 1
Drop by Ancient Mummy (0.03%)Nightmare Ancient Mummy (0.03%)
script bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,"AL_CRUCIS",5,30;
Combo NA
RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 4250 - Executioner Card (Executioner Card)
4250 - Executioner Card (Executioner Card) class card weigth 1 NPCbuy npcbuy
compound on shield
Inscription Anti-Large
description DEF + 1
Receive 25% less damage from Large size monster.
Class : Card
Compound on : Shield
Weight : 1
Drop by Executioner (0.03%)
script bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Large,25; bonus bDef,1;
Combo NA
RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 4253 - Alice Card (Alice Card)
4253 - Alice Card (Alice Card) class card weigth 1 NPCbuy npcbuy
compound on shield
Inscription of Royal Guard
description Receive 40% less damage from Boss monster.
Receive 40% more damage from normal monster.
Class : Card
Compound on : Shield
Weight : 1
Drop by Alice (0.03%)
script bonus2 bSubClass,Class_Boss,40; bonus2 bSubClass,Class_Normal,-40;
Combo NA
RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 4254 - Ogretooth Card (Tirfing Card)
4254 - Ogretooth Card (Tirfing Card) class card weigth 1 NPCbuy npcbuy
compound on shield
Inscription Anti-Medium
description DEF + 1
Receive 25% less damage from Medium size monster.
Class : Card
Compound on : Shield
Weight : 1
Drop by Tirfing (0.03%)
script bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Medium,25; bonus bDef,1;
Combo NA
RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 4277 - Zealotus Card (Zherlthsh Card)
4277 - Zealotus Card (Zherlthsh Card) class card weigth 1 NPCbuy npcbuy
compound on shield
Inscription Dominatrix
description LUK + 2
Inflict 10% more damage with Throw Arrow and Musical Strike.
[Injustice Card Combo]
Class : Card
Compound on : Shield
Weight : 1
Drop by Zherlthsh (0.03%)
script bonus bLuk,2; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"BA_MUSICALSTRIKE",10; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"DC_THROWARROW",10;
Combo NA
RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 4304 - Tamruan Card (Tamruan Card)
4304 - Tamruan Card (Tamruan Card) class card weigth 1 NPCbuy npcbuy
compound on shield
Inscription Shield Master's
description DEF + 2
Inflict 10% more damage with Shield Charge and Shield Boomerang skills.
Class : Card
Compound on : Shield
Weight : 1
Drop by Tamruan (0.03%)Furious Tamruan (0.03%)
script bonus bDef,2; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"CR_SHIELDCHARGE",10; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"CR_SHIELDBOOMERANG",10;
Combo NA
RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 4309 - Parasite Card (Parasite Card)
4309 - Parasite Card (Parasite Card) class card weigth 1 NPCbuy npcbuy
compound on shield
Inscription Reinforced
description DEF + 1
Add a 5% resistance against Neutral Property attacks.
[Loli Ruri & Miyabi Doll & Evil Nymph & Harpy & Bloody Butterfly Card Combo]
Class : Card
Compound on : Shield
Weight : 1
Drop by Parasite (0.03%)Solid Parasite (0.03%)
script bonus bDef,1; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,5;
Combo NA
RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 4314 - Penomena Card (Penomena Card)
4314 - Penomena Card (Penomena Card) class card weigth 1 NPCbuy npcbuy
compound on shield
Inscription Fire-Proof
description Receive 30% less damage from Formless monster.
Class : Card
Compound on : Shield
Weight : 1
Drop by Penomena (0.03%)Penomena Ringleader (0.03%)Furious Penomena (0.03%)
script bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Formless,30;
Combo NA
RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 4322 - High Orc Card (High Orc Card)
4322 - High Orc Card (High Orc Card) class card weigth 1 NPCbuy npcbuy
compound on shield
Inscription of Retaliation
description DEF + 1
Reflect 5% of all Physical Melee Damage back to the enemy which inflicted it.
Class : Card
Compound on : Shield
Weight : 1
Drop by High Orc (0.03%)Solid High Orc (0.03%)
Safeguard Chief (0.03%)
script bonus bDef,1; bonus bShortWeaponDamageReturn,5;
Combo NA
RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 4340 - Teddy Bear Card (Teddy Bear Card)
4340 - Teddy Bear Card (Teddy Bear Card) class card weigth 1 NPCbuy npcbuy
compound on shield
Inscription of Requiem
description Reduce damage from Undead monster by 30%.
Class : Card
Compound on : Shield
Weight : 1
Drop by Teddy Bear (0.03%)Swift Teddy Bear (0.03%)
script bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Undead,30;
Combo NA
RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 4397 - Despero of Thanatos Card (Tha Despero Card)
4397 - Despero of Thanatos Card (Tha Despero Card) class card weigth 1 NPCbuy npcbuy
compound on shield
Inscription Stupidity
description INT - 6
Increase INT by an amount equal to the refine rate of the equipment this card is compounded on.
Class : Card
Compound on : Shield
Weight : 1
Drop by Thanatos Despero (0.03%)
script bonus bInt,getrefine()-6;
Combo NA
RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 4413 - Hodremlin Card (Hodremlin Card)
4413 - Hodremlin Card (Hodremlin Card) class card weigth 1 NPCbuy npcbuy
compound on shield
Inscription Resistance
description Reduces damage from Small, Medium, and Large type monsters by 15%.
For 10 seconds Perfect Dodge + 30 on the user when the user receives Physical or Magical Damage.
Class : Card
Compound on : Shield
Weight : 1
Drop by Hodremlin (0.03%)Hodremlin Ringleader (0.03%)
script bonus2 bSubSize,Size_All,15; autobonus2 "{ bonus bFlee2,30; }",3,10000,BF_WEAPON|BF_MAGIC,"{ specialeffect2 EF_WIND; }";
Combo NA
RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 4414 - Seeker Card (Seeker Card)
4414 - Seeker Card (Seeker Card) class card weigth 1 NPCbuy npcbuy
compound on shield
Inscription Gorgon's
description MDEF + 10
Enables use of Level 1 Stone Curse.
Increase resistance to Stone Curse status by 30%.
Class : Card
Compound on : Shield
Weight : 1
Drop by Seeker (0.03%)
script skill "MG_STONECURSE",1; bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stone,3000; bonus bMdef,10;
Combo NA
RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 4420 - Muscipular Card (Muscipular Card)
4420 - Muscipular Card (Muscipular Card) class card weigth 1 NPCbuy npcbuy
compound on shield
Inscription of Comfort
description Add a 3% chance of auto casting Level 1 Heal and Level 1 Increase Agi on yourself when the user receives Physical Damage.
Class : Card
Compound on : Shield
Weight : 1
Drop by Muscipular (0.03%)Elusive Muscipular (0.03%)
script bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,"AL_HEAL",1,100; bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,"AL_INCAGI",1,100;
Combo NA
RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 4439 - Flame Skull Card (Flame Skull Card)
4439 - Flame Skull Card (Flame Skull Card) class card weigth 1 NPCbuy npcbuy
compound on shield
Inscription of Anathema
description Add a 30% resistance against Stun, Curse, Blind, Stone Curse.
Add a chance of auto casting Stun, Curse, Blind, Stone Curse when the user receives Physical Damage.
Class : Card
Compound on : Shield
Weight : 1
Drop by Flame Skull (0.03%)
script bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Blind,3000; bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stun,3000; bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Curse,3000; bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stone,3000; bonus2 bAddEffWhenHit,Eff_Blind,500; bonus2 bAddEffWhenHit,Eff_Stun,500; bonus2 bAddEffWhenHit,Eff_Curse,500; bonus2 bAddEffWhenHit,Eff_Stone,500;
Combo NA
RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 4442 - Tatacho Card (Tatacho Card)
4442 - Tatacho Card (Tatacho Card) class card weigth 1 NPCbuy npcbuy
compound on shield
Inscription of Basis
description Decreases damage from Earth Property by 20%.
Increases damage dealing to Earth Property by 5%.
Class : Card
Compound on : Shield
Weight : 1
Drop by Tatacho (0.03%)Solid Tatacho (0.03%)
script bonus2 bSubDefEle,Ele_Neutral,20; bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Neutral,5;
Combo NA
RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 4443 - Aqua Elemental Card (Aqua Elemental Card)
4443 - Aqua Elemental Card (Aqua Elemental Card) class card weigth 1 NPCbuy npcbuy
compound on shield
Inscription of Underneath
description Decreases damage from Water Property by 20%.
Increases damage dealing to Water Property by 5%.
Class : Card
Compound on : Shield
Weight : 1
Drop by Aqua Elemental (0.03%)
script bonus2 bSubDefEle,Ele_Water,20; bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Water,5;
Combo NA
RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 4444 - Draco Card (Draco Card)
4444 - Draco Card (Draco Card) class card weigth 1 NPCbuy npcbuy
compound on shield
Inscription of Saharic
description Decreases damage from Fire Property by 20%.
Increases damage dealing to Fire Property by 5%.
Class : Card
Compound on : Shield
Weight : 1
Drop by Draco (0.03%)Solid Draco (0.03%)
script bonus2 bSubDefEle,Ele_Earth,20; bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Earth,5;
Combo NA
RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 4445 - Luciola Vespa Card (Luciola Vespa Card)
4445 - Luciola Vespa Card (Luciola Vespa Card) class card weigth 1 NPCbuy npcbuy
compound on shield
Inscription of Windy
description Decreases damage from Wind Property by 20%.
Increases damage dealing to Wind Property by 5%.
Class : Card
Compound on : Shield
Weight : 1
Drop by Luciola Vespa (0.03%)Elusive Luciola Vespa (0.03%)
script bonus2 bSubDefEle,Ele_Wind,20; bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Wind,5;
Combo NA
RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 4447 - Centipede Card (Centipede Card)
4447 - Centipede Card (Centipede Card) class card weigth 1 NPCbuy npcbuy
compound on shield
Inscription of Envenom
description Decreases damage from Poison Property by 20%.
Increases damage dealing to Poison Property by 5%.
Class : Card
Compound on : Shield
Weight : 1
Drop by Centipede (0.03%)Swift Centipede (0.03%)
Xena (0.03%)Hercules (0.03%)
script bonus2 bSubDefEle,Ele_Poison,20; bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Poison,5;
Combo NA
RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 4448 - Cornus Card (Cornus Card)
4448 - Cornus Card (Cornus Card) class card weigth 1 NPCbuy npcbuy
compound on shield
Inscription of Damned
description Decreases damage from Holy Property by 20%.
Increases damage dealing to Holy Property by 5%.
Class : Card
Compound on : Shield
Weight : 1
Drop by Cornus (0.03%)
script bonus2 bSubDefEle,Ele_Holy,20; bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Holy,5;
Combo NA
RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 4449 - Dark Shadow Card (Dark Shadow Card)
4449 - Dark Shadow Card (Dark Shadow Card) class card weigth 1 NPCbuy npcbuy
compound on shield
Inscription of Hallowed
description Decreases damage from Shadow Property by 20%.
Increases damage dealing to Shadow Property by 5%.
Class : Card
Compound on : Shield
Weight : 1
Drop by Abysmal Dark Shadow (0.03%)
Dark Shadow (0.03%)
script bonus2 bSubDefEle,Ele_Dark,20; bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Dark,5;
Combo NA
RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 4515 - Alnoldi Card (Alnoldi Card)
4515 - Alnoldi Card (Alnoldi Card) class card weigth 1 NPCbuy npcbuy
compound on shield
Inscription Flora
description Reduce damage from Plant monster by 30%.
Class : Card
Compound on : Shield
Weight : 1
Drop by Alnoldi (0.03%)Swift Rafflesia Arnoldi (0.03%)
script bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Plant,30;
Combo NA
RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 4609 - Khalitzburg Knight Card (Khalitzburg Knight Card)
4609 - Khalitzburg Knight Card (Khalitzburg Knight Card) class card weigth 1 NPCbuy npcbuy
compound on shield
Inscription NA
description DEF + 20.
Receive 25% less damage from medium and large size monsters.
[+ White Knight Card]
Increase damage inflicted on medium and large size monsters by 15%.
Receive 5% less damage from medium and large size monsters.
Class : Card
Compound on : Shield
Weight : 1
Drop by
Root of Corruption (4.5%)
script bonus bDef,20; bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Medium,25; bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Large,25;
Combo NA
RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 4628 - Neo Punk Card (Neo Punk Card)
4628 - Neo Punk Card (Neo Punk Card) class card weigth 1 NPCbuy npcbuy
compound on shield
Inscription NA
description Reduce damage taken from Formless and Demon races by 20%.

Neo Punk Card
Big Ben Card
Further reduce damage taken from Formless and Demon races by 5%.
Ignores 50% of Formless and Demon monster's Magic Defense Rate.

Neo Punk Card
Big Bell Card
Further reduce damage taken from Formless and Demon races by 5%.
Ignores 50% of Formless and Demon monster's Defense Rate.
Class: Card
Slot: Shield
Weight: 1
Drop by
Neo Punk (0.03%)
script bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Formless,20; bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Demon,20;
Combo NA
RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 4636 - Bijou Card (Bijou Card)
4636 - Bijou Card (Bijou Card) class card weigth 1 NPCbuy npcbuy
compound on shield
Inscription NA
Drop by
script bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Freeze,10000; bonus bAtkRate,10; bonus bMatkRate,10;
Combo NA
RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 4641 - Zombie Guard Card (Zombie Guard Card)
4641 - Zombie Guard Card (Zombie Guard Card) class card weigth 1 NPCbuy npcbuy
compound on shield
Inscription NA
Drop by
script bonus bNoRegen,2; bonus bSPDrainValue,1;
Combo NA
RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 4653 - Nightmare Arclouse Card (N Arclouse Card)
4653 - Nightmare Arclouse Card (N Arclouse Card) class card weigth 1 NPCbuy npcbuy
compound on shield
Inscription NA
Drop by
script bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Brute,20; bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Undead,20;
Combo NA
RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 4660 - Scout Basilisk Card (Scout Basilisk Card)
4660 - Scout Basilisk Card (Scout Basilisk Card) class card weigth 1 NPCbuy npcbuy
compound on shield
Inscription NA
Drop by
script bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Small,5; bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Medium,5;
Combo NA
RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 4661 - Charge Basilisk Card (Charge Basilisk Card)
4661 - Charge Basilisk Card (Charge Basilisk Card) class card weigth 1 NPCbuy npcbuy
compound on shield
Inscription NA
Drop by
script bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Medium,20; bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Large,20; bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Small,-15;
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RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 29087 - Expect7Lv (Expect7Lv)
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Naposledy vygenerovano dne : Mon, 11 May 2020 07:29:18 +0200
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