RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 934 - Memento (Mementos)
934 - Memento (Mementos) class misc
weigth 1
NPCbuy 300 OC 372
description A box that is buried with the dead. It contains gems and someones mementos.

Weight : 1
Drop by Nightmare Ancient Mummy (54%)Ancient Mummy (54%)Ragged Zombie (45%)Solid Requiem (45%)Swift Zombie Slaughter (45%)Elusive Banshee Master (45%)Swift Banshee (45%)Banshee Master (45%)Banshee (45%)Zombie Slaughter (45%)Skeleton Prisoner (45%)Requiem (45%)Rawrel (30%)Anubis (16.5%)Mummy (16.5%)Swift Mummy (16.5%)Solid Mummy (16.5%)Nightmare Mummy (15%)Furious Ghoul (4.5%)Elusive Ghoul (4.5%)Ghoul (4.5%)Soldier Skeleton (0.3%)Weak Soldier Skeleton (0.06%)
Cursed Sentinel (75%)
NPCsell Tool Dealer#nif on nif_in per 600 zeny

  • show/hide Yggdrasil Berry Yggdrasil Berry from Erious_nif in prt_in

  • show/hide Memento Memento from Feylin in niflheim
  • script NA

    Naposledy vygenerovano dne : Mon, 11 May 2020 07:29:18 +0200
    (c) 2006-2011 jihrad, Nebiki & k3dT - vyrobeno pro Reborn server