RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 1474 - Gae Bolg (Gae Bolg)
1474 - Gae Bolg (Gae Bolg) class 2H Spear weigth 200 NPCbuy 10 OC 12
Slots 0 ATK:MATK 160 REQlvl 60
WeaponLVL 4 REQJOB Swordman Crusader Knight PROPERTY Neutral
description A spear created from the body of a dead giant sea creature, topped with a jagged blade that leaves deep wounds.
Pierces Defense of Dragon monster.
10% additional damage on Boss monster.
[Gaebolg & Dragons Breath Equip Set]
Property : Neutral
Typ: Zbran
Level: 4
Attack: 160
Druh: 2H Spear
Vaha: 200.0
Min.Level: 60
Oblecou: Swordsman class
Drop by Evil Snake Lord (15%)
Dark Snake Lord (15%)
script bonus bIgnoreDefRace,RC_Dragon; bonus2 bAddClass,Class_Boss,10;
Combo NA

Naposledy vygenerovano dne : Mon, 11 May 2020 07:29:18 +0200
(c) 2006-2011 jihrad, Nebiki & k3dT - vyrobeno pro Reborn server