RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 5137 - Alice Doll[1] (Alice Doll)
5137 - Alice Doll[1] (Alice Doll) class equip weigth 50 NPCbuy 10 OC 12
Slots 1 DEF 0 REQlvl 30
Equipable on Head top REQJob Swordman Blacksmith Hunter Assassin Crusader Monk Sage Rogue Alchem Bard/Dancer Mage Dancer Taekwon StarGladiator Soullinker Gunslinger Ninja Archer Acolyte Merchant Thief Knight Priest Wizard Refinable no
description A doll made to resemble Alice.
It feels like its saying May the force be with you, master!, Go get em tiger! on the top of your head.
Increase damage on DemiHuman monster by 10%.
Inflict the Sleep status on yourself by a low chance.
STR + 1
Impossible to refine this item.
Equipped on : Upper
Typ: Armor
Defense: 0
Equip: Head Upper
Vaha: 50.0
Min.Level: 30
Oblecou: Vsichni krome Novice
Drop by
script bonus bStr,1; bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiHuman,10; bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Player,10; bonus2 bAddEff2,Eff_Sleep,10;
Combo NA

Naposledy vygenerovano dne : Mon, 11 May 2020 07:29:18 +0200
(c) 2006-2011 jihrad, Nebiki & k3dT - vyrobeno pro Reborn server