RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 1925 - Cello[3] (Cello)
1925 - Cello[3] (Cello) class Musical Instrument weigth 70 NPCbuy 10 OC 12
Slots 3 ATK:MATK 110 REQlvl 70
WeaponLVL 3 REQJOB Bard/Dancer PROPERTY Neutral
description A Large low voiced Violin Instrument. The strings have 4 Lines and shows a silent but relaxing tone for group bands.
AGI + 2, DEX + 3
The Musical Strike skill shoves the enemy 2 cells back.
The Arrow Vulcan skill shoves the enemy 3 cells back.
Typ: Zbran
Level: 3
Attack: 110
Druh: Musical Instrument
Vaha: 70.0
Min.Level: 70
Omezeni: Adv class
Oblecou: Bard/DancerPouze muzske chary
Drop by Tatacho (0.3%)Solid Tatacho (0.3%)
script bonus bAgi,2; bonus bDex,3; bonus2 bAddSkillBlow,"BA_MUSICALSTRIKE",2; bonus2 bAddSkillBlow,"CG_ARROWVULCAN",3;
Combo NA

Naposledy vygenerovano dne : Mon, 11 May 2020 07:29:18 +0200
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