RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 1919 - Base Guitar[1] (Base Guitar)
1919 - Base Guitar[1] (Base Guitar) class Musical Instrument weigth 150 NPCbuy 10 OC 12
Slots 1 ATK:MATK 130 REQlvl 70
WeaponLVL 3 REQJOB Bard/Dancer PROPERTY Neutral
description A musical instrument designed to play low notes.
Every time the enemy dies, Recovers 3 SP.
Add a 5% chance of auto casting Level 3 Seismic Weapon on the enemy when attacking.
Whenever you attack, small chance to cause Chaos around all enemies within 5 x 5 (PBAoE) cells around you.
Property : Neutral
Typ: Zbran
Level: 3
Attack: 130
Druh: Musical Instrument
Vaha: 150.0
Min.Level: 70
Omezeni: Adv class
Oblecou: Bard/DancerPouze muzske chary
Drop by Violy (1.5%)Elusive Violy (1.5%)Swift Violy (1.5%)Solid Violy (1.5%)
script bonus bSPGainValue,3; bonus4 bAutoSpellWhenHit,"WZ_HEAVENDRIVE",3,30,1; bonus3 bAutoSpell,"NPC_WIDECONFUSE",2,100;
Combo NA

Naposledy vygenerovano dne : Mon, 11 May 2020 07:29:18 +0200
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