RENEWAL > PRE NAME(ID) 14527 - Dungeon Teleport Scroll (Dun Tele Scroll1)
14527 - Dungeon Teleport Scroll (Dun Tele Scroll1) class misc
weigth 1
NPCbuy OC 0
description A scroll with lots of dungeon coordination written on it. You can go to the place you want by tearing the paper into pieces.
When used allows you to teleport to a specific dungeon from the following list:
Nogg Road Dungeon (Magma Dungeon), Mjolnir Dead Pit (Coal Mines), Umbala Dungeon, Payon Caves, Toy Factory,
Glast Heim Prison, Louyang Dungeon, Kunlun Dungeon, Izlude Undersea Tunnel (Byalan), Turtle Island, Clocktower 3F,
Clocktower B3F, Glast Heim Sewers 2F, Sphinx Dungeon 4F, Pyramid Dungeon 4F, Prontera Culverts 3F, Amatsu Dungeon 1F,
Somatology Laboratory 1F, Ayotaya Dungeon 2F.

Weight : 1
Drop by
script callfunc "F_CashDungeon",1;

Naposledy vygenerovano dne : Mon, 11 May 2020 07:29:18 +0200
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